What Happens To The Waste You Put In Our Skip?

Pile of paper waste

Every day people throw there unwanted household and commercial waste into our skips, but little thought probably goes into where it will end up. At WT Skip Hire we take waste management incredibly seriously and are proud to recycle around 90% of the contents of our skips.


At our recycling centre in Great Yarmouth we have a number of containers set aside to handle the majority of waste types, including:


Most of the wood we receive is shredded and used to create either animal bedding or bio fuel. In addition to that, our recycling centre is equipped with a wood burner, allowing us to use the wood to heat our building.


We send both ferrous and non-ferrous metals to recycling plants, where they are melted down and used to create new products.


Some of the glass we receive is ground down and is used in a variety of construction projects, including the surfacing of roads. However, the majority of the glass is melted down and this is used in the creation of new glass products.

Rubble and Soil

Like glass, the rubble we take from our skips is crushed, graded and used in construction projects. The soil is screened and goes on to be used in landscaping and restoration schemes.

Green Waste

All of the green waste we receive is shredded and goes on to be used as compost.


Plastic is one of the most recyclable materials we receive. Our mixed plastics are cut into flakes, which are then washed and melted to go on and be used in the creation of new plastic products.


As you may have seen in our recent blog, there is much that can be done with unwanted textiles and clothing. Any good quality clothes that we receive are re-used, particularly in developing countries. Any materials we consider to be low grade are used as wiper rag or fill material.

Plate Glass

People regularly use our skips to dispose of everyday objects such as mirrors and shower screens. These items are passed on to a third party for recycling and can be used to create glass cullet or even aggregates.

Card and Paper

We pass on any paper we receive to paper mills. There the material is cleaned and pulped, ready to be used in the creation of new card and paper.

Ordering one of our skips has never been easier. You can call us on 01493 668118, send us an email to info@wtskiphire.co.uk or use our new online booking system.